Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Still not over Spirt Hoods.....but bunnies are nice

So keeping in tune with my current love of furry animal hats and such, I, while shamelessly perusing through other blogs *coughs*stylerookie*coughs*, came across, a new, and even more unaffordable amazing complement to just about everything in my wardrobe.
Enter the Ginny Bunny Bag by Mandy Coon.

Designed by Mandy Coon for her 2010 Autumn collection, its got all the awesome-ness (excuse my 12-year old terminology) of a boring designer bag, but in a not so boring way.
The black button eyes give it a cute Peter Rabbit-y feel, while the metal chain gives it a punky touch, which kind of ruins it for me, but then again, I'm not nearly as cool as Mandy Coon.

In an ideal world, I would own a 3 times as large, brown distressed leather version of this with a matching leather strap. But that's only because I am a silly retrofolk who feels too gothic (not in a hip way) when wearing black leather and chain like things.....also my hair is black, so too much black would be the result....."
Anyways, this bag rocks, pockets in the ears and everything...it will set you back about 450, which is sweet when you consider the price of way less awesome bags *coughsCOACHsuckscoughs*
Dear Coach:
Quit it with the c-s, it's super tacky. Your bags are for rich people, we get it. thanks.
Mandy Coon's clothing line released with the Ginny Rabbit purse and after (spring/summer 2011) are unreal, check some extra fun ones:

Sunday, September 26, 2010


This thing is the perfect solution to my "little Colombian in a freezing cold Canadian world who still wants to look like a fox" problem.
They're all faux fur (cuz real fur is for losers, and this fur is amazing and soft and perfect and not creepy like real fur) and are based and manufacture of of LA and Portland, and are handmade (which explains the crazy price, but it's totally reasonable once you see one). No two hods are identical, which again is sweet, cuz yours will be special, like you:) (I sound like a bloody infomercial)....

Anyways, the even neater thing about his is that Spirit hood donates a portion of the money they get online to a bunch of different wildlife conservation funds, like

When you buy that animals hood, the proceeds will go to them, which is nice.
People like Ke$ha, LMFAO and Nicole Fox have bee spotted with one, check it:
This is ironically from Coco Perez's ugly blog, where he says they suck (but so does he so I don't know if it counts)

You should look at them and wish you had money to buy one, because my words alone do not do i justice:


On a more important note, VINTAGE MAVEN http://vintagemavens.blogspot.com/2010/09/september-giveaway-spirit-hoods.html is actually giving away one of these hoods, the snow leopard one to be exact. 

I encourage the rest of you not to enter, as I would like to win, however, the blog is amazing, almost as amazing as this hood and you should subscribe and shit. I have no money (I'm one of those er broke as hell college kids) who is Colombian, and gets really cold, and would love to look fashionable and leopardy instead of like an Arctic Explorer this fall/winter. 

Vintage Maven, if you're reading this, I beg you to provide me with this amazing piece of fuzzy material so I may adorn my head with it, and perhaps in doing so, others will see it and worship me.

I will sew your blog address on one of the flaps I swear, and you will have free promotion everywhere my small (but mighty) feet take me.

YES. this is all. 


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fashion Week here I come

SO I have een picked as one of a bunch of volunteers for this years Toronto LG Fashion week.
I'm somewhat excited, just a little bit,ok much more than a little bit.
WHat is more exciting is that I am now able to blog about my experience, so stay tuned for that.
I will also be forking over a large sum of money to purchase a week long pass, so stay tuned for fun (er than usual) posts.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Awesome and outdated shoe followed by the 2011 fall version which is somewhat less cool because while toes rest beneath my leather tongues and laces, skulls simply do not. I love them both.

From Comme des Garcon's trompe l'oeil collection based on illusion.

Yes, I fully understand that these shoes are over a year old since their debut, fall 2009 to be exact, however, this does not in any way affect the fact that they are simply incredible and deserve some kind of honourable mention in this sill blog of mine.

"Wonderland," Kawakubo called it afterward, "where nothing is as it seems."
For an updated version (if you can call them that) of this sketch on idea, check Kawakubo's 2011 mens spring collection
(couldn't find a better picture, this one barely does them justice)
Please note the skull-ness on these babies, not to mention the skulls on the back of the model's heads, and just about everywhere in this collection.
 the collection, called the "Skull of life " by Kawakubo herself, is a humourous and somewhat satirical look popularity and recognizability? (definitely not a word) of the skull in fashion and wanna-be underground culture.
The skulls are used so abundantly in some pieces that the result resembles (ironically of course:p) floral. Mixed in with black and white checker pattern, the whole thing is super intense and awesome in a weird, this is awful...but I like it, kind of way.
The skulls painted on the model's heads are supposed to be a sort of commentary on how conditioned we are to spot the skull symbol; that a mere three abstract shapes will create the image in our minds. Perhaps this is reading too far into it, but isn't that what fashion is about?
Check the whole thing out here, and please not the incredible skull on the backs of these blazers:)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ode to the V-Neck

Why is it that a pattern as simple as a v-neck t-shirt can make a man look so good?

Let me revise that statement.

SOME men. The funny part of this type of shirt is that while some man look dashing, others look like huge guido creeps,(sorry Jersey Shore)like these guys.

 Or this guy.

 While the v-neck has been around forever, most men associate the plunging v-neck as too feminine-which, when they are worn like this, kind of are.

The key to a good v-neck on a man starts with his build, style, the style and cut of the v-neck itself.
When done right, even low v-necks can look extremely masculine.Its all about how you wear it.

V-Neck Reference Chart
1. The high v.-most classic. Most conservative. Looks best when its white, suits an older or more conservative guy. Makes less buff guys look buffier and hides hairyness:) Its perfect, but not recommended for really buff or really slim boys, as it makes your build even slimmer or bulky. Opt for a medium v.
2.The medium v. Somewhere in the middle. Between runway and conservative. Shows off some chest, so well pretty collar bones and pecs make this style look gorgeous. If you're sporting a tuft...opt for a high v....no one wants to see that. The medium v looks best in white or darker colours, it also lends itself best to designs. 
3.The deep v. Popularized most recently by American apparel, I like this best on slim guys in plain colours and paired with some wicked skinny slacks or a cardi:) Not so much fir really buff or heavier guys as you look like a douchebag showoff or like you have manboobs...jus sayin. 
When done right, sits super cute and sexy. 

 Yay! And like all good fashion ideas for boys, we gotta get in on it too!
SO rock the v-love it, live in it. I know I do. All you need is a pair of jeans and some sperrys and BAM you're somewhat fashionable.
I'm out.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First post must be hair related, it's only logical considering its bigger than I am.

So, I'm loving this braid thing.

All the years spent sitting rigidly on a closed plastic toilet seat waiting for my mom to
 finish a dreaded french braid, tugging and pulling while I wished I could just have straight hair like the other girls, and it's finally in style.

The fishtail, the boho braid, the inside out braid, hell even my old school french braid are making the most impressive of appearances, from runway to...hallway...?

This chick (she's cooler than me anyways) shows you how to do the fishtail)

LEARN TO DO A FISHTAIL< YAY!  -Click it and your meaningless lives will change forever.

The best part of it all is this boho chique thing.

*Credit to Sienna Miller who takes the cake in my books for making this look rock in its most recent appearance. Nicole Richie and the Olsens get notable mention, but neither rocks it like Sienna, let's be serious. *

A style where over-sized clothing, natuarally wavy hair and clean simply lip glossed faced look is hot.


Can I comment on how happy it makes me not to have to wake up 2 hours before my classes to sweat like crazy while desperately trying to straighten my mop?

Or perhaps it's more delightful to buy "stylish" clothing for under 10 dollars at Value Village..

In short, I'm not looking forward to when the poised and straightened look comes back.


Now for something remotely helpful:

Heat-free Wavy hair -like Sienna Miller (huge crush)
with some poof, but only if you use Daisy Fuentes Mousse. (courtesy of Dollarama)

*Start before bed*:
1. Wash it: Honestly, how many hairstyles actually start like this???
2. Towel dry the shit out of it, leave it damp-ish, damp enough that it will be almost dry in the morning.
3. Use leave in conditioner (pick one) and some good mousse (No daisy Fuentes) and run it through your beautiful locks.
4. Here's the fun part. Split your hair down the middle and make two tight french braids-hair spray them using a medium hold hairspray or something like satin (its so amazing it gets a picture so you can be influenced to buy it)

5. Sleep- What your boyfriend/girlfriend has been doing this whole time, lucky bastards.
6. Wake up.
7. if you're still alive, awesome. Take out your braids and comb em out with your lovely fingers.
8. Flip your curly mess upside down and if still wet, blow dry it with a diffuser..or don't.
9. Fix messed up parts by wetting it  with a spray bottle and moussing.
10. Finish (no pun intended) with hairspray and a dime sized dab of finishing creme or hair serum, to keep it tame in humidity.

But better, I just <3 this pic.
