Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Awesome and outdated shoe followed by the 2011 fall version which is somewhat less cool because while toes rest beneath my leather tongues and laces, skulls simply do not. I love them both.

From Comme des Garcon's trompe l'oeil collection based on illusion.

Yes, I fully understand that these shoes are over a year old since their debut, fall 2009 to be exact, however, this does not in any way affect the fact that they are simply incredible and deserve some kind of honourable mention in this sill blog of mine.

"Wonderland," Kawakubo called it afterward, "where nothing is as it seems."
For an updated version (if you can call them that) of this sketch on idea, check Kawakubo's 2011 mens spring collection
(couldn't find a better picture, this one barely does them justice)
Please note the skull-ness on these babies, not to mention the skulls on the back of the model's heads, and just about everywhere in this collection.
 the collection, called the "Skull of life " by Kawakubo herself, is a humourous and somewhat satirical look popularity and recognizability? (definitely not a word) of the skull in fashion and wanna-be underground culture.
The skulls are used so abundantly in some pieces that the result resembles (ironically of course:p) floral. Mixed in with black and white checker pattern, the whole thing is super intense and awesome in a weird, this is awful...but I like it, kind of way.
The skulls painted on the model's heads are supposed to be a sort of commentary on how conditioned we are to spot the skull symbol; that a mere three abstract shapes will create the image in our minds. Perhaps this is reading too far into it, but isn't that what fashion is about?
Check the whole thing out here, and please not the incredible skull on the backs of these blazers:)

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